AHWP3 - Half Waveplates

Eliminate single wavelength waveplates with just one component. The achromatic halfwave retarder rotates the incoming plane of polarization by twice the optic axis angle. The most common rotation is 90˚ (optic axis at 45˚). Our achromatic retarders are known to have very large clear apertures and precise polarization rotation. This broadband waveplate is a favorite among the micro display (white light) and analytic instrumentation (LEDs, laser diodes, multi-light source) application markets.

Vis Achromatic Halfwave Retarder

  • Active Range: 425nm-750nm
  • Price competitive
  • True zero order
  • Wide angle of acceptance
  • Very large clear apertures
  • Multi layer polymer stack
  • Ultra wide Visible / Short NIR bandwidth
  • Free standing or laminated between glass
  • BBAR coated directly onto polymer optional
  • Large aperture available, 100mm OD

Specification Focus

  • .01 waves tolerance
  • 99% internal transmittance
  • Index of refraction = 1.58
  • Performs at 405nm (.02 waves)
  • BBAR on raw polymer: R ≤ .75% per surface Avg.

Spec Downloads

Off The Shelf - 1" DiameterAHWP3 Component - $595 each
Off The Shelf – 1″ Diameter
AHWP3 Component – $595 each
Coated Freestanding AchromatSublimated - High Performance
Coated Freestanding Achromat
Sublimated – High Performance
BBAR Glass LaminatedWaveplate Components
BBAR Glass Laminated
Waveplate Components

AHWP3 Glass Laminated

Visible Halfwave Achromatic Retarders

Off the Shelf
Bolder Vision carries an off the shelf achromat retarder 425-750nm with performance down to 405nm. Our glass laminated achromatic retarder delivers low transmitted wavefront distortion, high internal transmittance and very large clear aperture. The standard outer diameter fits into many housings sold out of catalogs today.
Custom Sizes
BVO will manufacture any size glass for your requirements. OEM wafer slicing or water jet cutting available.

AHWP3 – Standard Halfwave Achromat Specifications

Birefringent Material Polymer, sandwiched between BK-7 substrates
Recommended Wavelength Range λ/2, over visible region from 425 – 750nm
Surface Quality 40-20 Scratch-Dig
Substrates BK-7, grade-A, fine annealed
AR Coating R ≤ 0.65% loss per surface (normal incidence) average, BBAR 400-900nm wavelength range
Size 25.4mm outer diameter, 80% clear aperture (20mm)
Acceptance Angle ± 15 degrees
Unit Thickness 6.35mm +/- .20mm
Optic Axis Stability ≤ 2 degree
Wavefront Distortion λ/4 @ 632.8nm
Temperature Range -20° C to 60° C
Wedge ≤ 2 minutes
Damage Threshold CW: 500 Watt/cm2
Vis Pulsed: .3 J/cm2 10 nsec pulses @ 532nm

Free Standing Achromatic Waveplates

OEM cost effective achromatic half waveplates. Bolder Vision now offers lower-cost, achromatic, free standing polymer (FSA) waveplates. This achromat has no outer substrates and is ideal for integration into any production optical system because of low price and flexibility. Can be dual side anti-reflection coated for increased transmission.

Advantages of free standing achromats

Distinctly useful for OEM applications

Form Factor – Free standing waveplates can be sliced or die cut specifically for custom applications. This capability affords optic system designers to shrink their form factor size, dramatically decrease their cost per unit and expand design options.

AR Coatings – BBAR coatings on one side or both sides of FSA waveplates. Laminate onto pre-existing substrates (AR coating one side) or as a free standing retarder component (AR coating both sides).

Cost – Per unit cost contracts due to less raw materials and labor. The retardation characteristics are exactly the same as our standard product. Some designs do not call for low transmitted wavefront or high abrasion resistance. If this is true for you, the free standing polymer achromatic waveplate may be a wise choice to consider.

Environmentally Stable – The multi layer polymer stacks are optically fused using no adhesives. This fact results in a robust monolithic retarder that has sound environmental specs, high transmittance and a singular index of refraction.

AHWP3 – Free Standing Halfwave Achromat Specifications

Birefringent Material Fused polymers
Polymer Index of Refraction 1.58
Stack Thickness .35mm, +/- 0.05mm
Optional AR Coating R ≤ .75% per surface Avg.,  400-700nm
Environmental 60° C at 90% RH for 1000 hours
80° C for 1000 hours dry, -30° C for 1000 hours dry
-20° C (1 hour) to 75° C (1 hour) for 100 cycles